lördag 17 april 2010

Sidetrack - Why?

As promised: A post about why.

Why. A word commonly followed by a questionmark and it can be used virtually anytime. More often than not it has a negative value. "I'm going to ask that store if I can work there", "Why? You don't have any experiance with that cind of work".
A less common but alot more positive version is the "Why not?". To me, this version is far more interesting and opens alot more doors to new ideas and views. It was introduced to be by a scottish lecturer in computer science. "Why ask 'why' when you can ask 'why not'?". Mostly followed by a body language only Montgomery Burns from Simpsons would use and an evil grin to top it off.

So, why am I writing this blog? What purpose does it hold? How can this blog help me or others?

The blog is designed with focus on what happens while i try and get employed. Psychology refers to this as CBT. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. In short: By collecting my thoughts and actions during a time period, I have the ability to be more objective when it comes to hard decisions and identifying how I tick. This blog helps me to fokus on the parts I need to focus on. It helps me identify what's keeping me from evolving and moving forward and most important of all: It helps me see what i really want to do with my life.

Some of my friends would ask me at this point "But all the time you put into writing this stupid blog could be put into working on getting employed". Sure i can agree with that. But at the same time i also know that people are unique both in personalities but also in how we tick. One person might not be able to work independantly but is a monster of a work horse when he's given orders. Another person might work better at nights and can't handle regular work hours.

I myself can't focus on one thing for sixteen hours straight. I need to cool down parts of my brain by activating others. Writing emotions, analysing thoughts and reviewing what i have done, helps me identify what was good and then i can try and repeat that. I can also identify stuff that went bad and can try and avoid it or confront it if it needs to be handled.

If this blog helps others, thats fine. But it's really not in my plans for it do do so. I've sent the link here to people that have asked me to keep them updated. Of course I won't stop mailing them. The blog will again help me to remember what really has happened me.

But the blog serves yet another purpose. It helps me evolve my english skills. I know, several of you already think they are good, but I know I can get way better at grammar. I also work on my writing skills. Getting practice writing in a captivating way is a good thing for when i decide to start writing something more serious.

I still don't know why I wrote this piece. It doesn't really matter, because it's a blog. Blogs only contain  opinions and all opinions are subjective, ie what I think, not what everyone else should think. 

It was fun tho, and whisky is definatly my beverage of choise for bloging. Tonight's ramblings were brought to you by the Yamazaki Destillery.

Is this blog useful? I ask "Is any blog useful?". In the same way people ask "Why?" I will ask in return "Why not?".

Until we meet again, Mr. Imaginary Reader. Thy Face is Oblivion and thy voice is Silence.

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