tisdag 13 april 2010

Step two

Time for an update.

Today i chose to do some investigations. Since the magic week of the seminar, where everything changed in my point of view, i've been thinking about Journalism and writing chronicles and writing in general.

So what did I do? I sent some E-mails to two local newspapers asking what kind of education or other requrements the papers actually put on their reporters and chroniclers (wonder if I just invented that word...). I have to give credit where it's due, and it's my new Job coach's fault (damn Karlstad's Office for stealing our Speschul-coach!), and she basically belittled the problem to the extent of nonexistance, that I just thought "Alright! I'll do it!" just to get the problem out of my hair.

I probably won't even get an answer, and if I do get one, it's probably gonna be short and far from sweet. But at least i sent them, right? The hooks are out, let's see what kind of fish bite.

I just remembered a little discussion during the seminar where I used the word "confounded". I meant it in the old fashioned way, even! Since I'm a swede, the word confound is just an easy way of saying just that. To me, that word isn't aged or antique. It's just a word in my second language.

The reason I remembered this was me using "belittling" above. It might be the new "confound".

Time for my last cup (pot?) of tea, and off to bed.

See you tomorrow, Mr. imaginary Reader.

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